Frontier Refining, El Dorado KS, Coke Drum Insulation


Chicago Bridge and Iron provided the mechanical design and construction work on a Crude Unit and Vacuum Unit Expansion at the Frontier Refinery in El Dorado, KS.

This project increased crude charge rates, achieved higher yields of gasoline and distillates, and allowed Frontier to run heavier rates of heavy crude.

As part of the refinery modernization, CB&I performed an upgrade on the refinery’s Delayed Coker, which included the installation of two new Coke Drums.

This is where I&I Soft Craft Solutions came in. The Insulation of Coke Drums requires knowledge of how to install an insulation system that will allow for the expansion and contraction of the Coke Drums as they cycle from ambient to several hundred degrees and then back to ambient two or three times a day.

I&I Soft Craft Solutions had successfully insulated several sets of Coke Drums at different refineries before being awarded the Insulation work at Frontier Refining.

The Frontier Refining Coke Drums we insulated were featured on the cover of Hydrocarbon Engineering.

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